Manny Pacquiao Bitch Floyd Mayweather Jr Arresteded on Domestic Violence

Look at that mugshot. Floyd Mayweather has the most punchable face in the universe. Jusk ask Filipino boxing fans.
Floyd Mayweather Jr, who has made every kinds of excuses to avoid a ring fight against our very own Manny Pacquiao, has been arrested due to allegations of attacking and threatening to kill his baby mama. Figures. This trash is too much of a coward to threaten a person of his own gender.
Manny Pacquiao is too decent but you know and I know that he is laughing and saying "buti nga" on the inside.
Karma came way too soon for Floyd Mayweather. It was just a few days ago that he unloaded a series of racist and homophobic rant against Manny Pacquiao. Floyd Mayweather is too much of a coward to let his mitts do the talking in a ring. He had to do it in a 10-minute upstream video.
From the uncouth mouth of the cowardly one:
"As soon as we come off vacation, we're going to cook that little yellow chump. We ain't worried about that. So they ain't gotta worry about me fighting the midget. Once I kick the midget ass, I don't want you all to jump on my d---. So you all better get on the bandwagon now. ... Once I stomp the midget, I'll make that mother f----- make me a sushi roll and cook me some rice."
Amidst all these, Manny just had one comment. In a nutshell "wag pansinin ang walang pinag-aralan." I agree. Floyd Mayweather Jr is trash. All those millions can't buy him breeding.
I don't know what his beef is towards Manny considering he's the who refused to fight and considering that Manny is mum on anything Floyd Mayweather-related.
Too bad Floyd Mayweather has been released from Clark County jail in Las Vegas on $3,000 bail.
The Las Vegas Metro Police Department has recommended that Floyd Mayweather Jr. should also be charged with domestic violence, in addition to the grand larceny charge he was initially arrested for on September 10.
A judge also granted a temporary restraining order preventing Floyd from coming near Josie Harris and her children until October 10.
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