Emergency load from SMART

Have you ever encountered a time wherein you are stuck somewhere and you needed to text someone but you suddenly ran out of load? You wanted to look around for a loading station but the place was too creepy that you don't want to leave the spot you're at.
Well, worry no more! I just found out a way to have an emergency load from SMART! Yes it is true and it is absolutely legal!
I am a globe user but I'm posting this so that those smart users can get the benefit of this. When you use the ask-a-load service of SMART, but the ask-a-load service is always received late by the person you're asking for load.
That always leave you no choice but to load up your phone and text whoever you needed to text. Then I read it in some blog, a way to have an emergency load from SMART.
All you have to do is dial *767 and wait for a confirmation text message that you received the load.
The emergency load is composed of three(3) texts for SMART and TALKnTEXT subscribers, and one(1) text to all networks.
If you're asking if its free, too bad cause its not, but it is indeed very helpful! I don't know any networks who offers a service like that.
I hope that could also help you like it helped me!